Small Sailboat Cruising Lessons — OSS 101Pro

Going the Next Step on Fast and Fun Keelboats

A new Small Sailboat Cruising Course (OSS 101Pro) is now available from Offshore Sailing School as part of a comprehensive week called Fast Track® to Sailing that provides a ton of sailing education for new and returning sailors. While you learn a lot in the Learn to Sail course OSS 101, that extra emphasis on learning the nuances of just going out for a fun day under sail all come together in Small Boat Cruising OSS 101Pro.

Go-Fast Sailing and More Technical Sail Handling Techniques

This new keelboat certification course goes beyond OSS 101 to include some of what is covered in the Performance Sailing Course, without the sailboat racing emphasis, plus more. Small Sailboat Cruising covers advanced training in handling fast and fun keelboats, setting spinnakers (that colorful big downwind sail), and tweaking sail angles that get more speed per distance sailed so if you need to get back fast, you know exactly how to do just that.

Plus Solutions to Many “What-Ifs” that Happen on Sailboats

Small Sailboat Cruising addresses how to solve the “what-ifs” that can occur when suddenly a shroud or stay breaks, the tiller goes soft because the rudder may have fallen off, how to get off efficiently when you go aground, and what to do safely when a squall sits on the horizon. During these keelboat sailing courses, you’ll learn more about sailing in current and setting a course that avoids hazards, and how to judge your speed and distance against other vessels to avoid potential collisions.

Confidence in Sailing, Confidence in Yourself, Confidence in the Sailboat Too

As part of the Fast Track® to Sailing 6-day program, Small Boat Cruising (OSS 101Pro) gives you that extra confidence in handling a keelboat, ready to take friends and family out for a day of sailing as soon as you get back home.

Here’s What You Will Learn Small Sailboat Cruising OSS 101Pro

  • Advanced sail trim | Trimming for speed and comfort
  • Spinnaker set, jibe, douse and control
  • Jibe angles | Speed versus distance sailed
  • Sail and mast shape controls
  • More crew overboard recovery practice
  • Squall management
  • Reefing techniques for heavy weather
  • Heaving to
  • Emergency procedures if aground
  • Handling shroud, stay or mast loss
  • Anchoring
  • Docking, with and without an engine
  • Mooring pick-up
  • Velocity made good
  • Sailing in current | use of ranges
  • Collision avoidance
  • International Rules of the Road
  • Taking bearings with hand bearing compass
  • Reading the weather and preparing for changes
  • More knots commonly used when boating

Currently Offered Only as Part III of Fast Track® to Sailing

Click here to read more about the complete Fast Track to Sailing program.



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